
web logging

I think blogging is brilliant. When I first started blogging I was trying to figure out exactly what I was meant to write about. This was my problem, because true blogging isn’t supposed to involve too much thinking, because it’s just a “weblog” about something you feel the need to express, rather spontaneously. But I did have a real problem when I started blogging for my company, as this is very different from having a personal blog.

When you are writing a blog for your company everything changes. All of a sudden you start to question your thoughts and opinions to make sure that they are aligned to the company. This is necessary to some extent, especially when customers are reading your stuff, but it still takes away the beauty of blogging.

Many corporate blogs aren’t really blogs but just newsletters, emails, adverts in a different format. But on the flip side there are some brilliant corporate blogs out there as well. The best ones are honest and open but more importantly the blogger has passion and enthusiasm for what he is talking about.

1 comment:

  1. You make a good point, what is a blog? Well originally it was an online journal; journals are a personal thing where self expression is the essence of the content.

    Now if you are doing a corporate blog, surely that self expression and personal content goes out of the window and it turns into an article, where the content subject matter is forced and oppressed?
