
Twitter...should we be fussing?

I've been using Twitter for a few weeks now, and I have to say there is potential there and the concept is GOOD, but there seems to be something missing...

What I'd like to see is 'daily summaries' as well as optional real-time mini blogs - I have 20 people/companies that I am currently following, now the problem is when I log into my profile it takes ten minutes to find something actually interesting/funny/worthwhile in reading!

If Twitter could intelligently collate information into kind of daily summary reports of what people have been tweeting about, it could have the potential of becoming a very ingenious blogging system...

...Now saying that, I really believe there is some kind of 'Enterprise Potential' with this concept. For obvious reasons it’s a one-to-many method of communication that is easily digested and simple to initiate and distribute. Some people haven't got the time to "blog and monitor", and the Twitter system is a great alternative for those that want to share best practise and stay in the loop, whether it be in work, social or both!

Is Twitter a short term annoyance, or could it be a blessing in disguise?

1 comment:

  1. Twitter is interesting and with the amount of apps they are developing I wouldnt be surprised to see them add something along the lines of what you are suggesting Jon. I will certainly look to give you credit if they do.

    I definitely believe that there is potential for businesses to jump on the Twitter bandwagon. I know of a few companies that are using it for communication internally and there are a LOT of companies using it in order to improve engagement with their customers.

    I've read a lot of marketing blogs lately and they are all raving about Twitters ability to connect with customers and improve rtealtionships at no cost. However the best piece I've seen around Twitter and marketing comes from B2B Marketing, which is a website that focuses on B2B marketing. They have bloggers and editors writing stuff about social media and marketing within B2B on a regular basis. Check this stuff out:



    However, as with any communication tool you need a strategy in order to make it work, there are far to many people who think creating a Twitter account will bring you success, well they need to think again, and again
